

媒体娱乐 & Arts Alliance (新萄京娱乐) is the trade union and professional association representing workers in the media, 娱乐及艺术产业. 新萄京娱乐收集个人信息是为了开展其作为工会的业务,并向会员提供专业发展和其他服务. 新萄京娱乐 operates in the political, legal, industrial and social spheres. 新萄京娱乐致力于保护您的隐私,并向您提供与您相关的信息和服务.

We comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). This Privacy Policy (Policy) should be read in conjunction with the Act and the APPs. In this Policy, 新萄京娱乐包括股权基金会, 沃克利基金会, 媒体安全和团结基金以及股权信托基金.


This Policy applies to personal information we collect from you:

  • 通过我们的网站;
  • via social media;
  • via telephone;
  • via email;
  • via fax;
  • in person; and/or
  • in writing.

本政策也适用于我们从澳大利亚工会理事会(ACTU)或任何其他第三方收集的个人信息, about you.

新萄京娱乐 websites

新萄京娱乐网站收集两类信息. 第一种是匿名信息. web服务器记录您的访问并记录以下信息用于统计目的:用户的服务器地址;

  • 用户的顶级域名(如.g. com, .gov, .net, .au, etc.);
  • 参观现场的日期和时间;
  • 访问的页面和下载的文件;
  • the previous site visited; and
  • 使用的浏览器类型.

No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, 以防万一被调查, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the internet service provider’s logs. Another way information may be collected is through the use of “cookies”. A cookie is a small text file that the website may be placed on your computer. Cookies may be used, among other things, 跟踪您访问过的网页, to remember your preferences and to store personal information about you. You can adjust your internet browser to disable cookies or to warn you when cookies are being used. However, 如果禁用cookie, 您可能无法访问网站的某些区域或利用cookie提供的改进的网站体验. Our websites may contain links to other websites and social media pages including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube和LinkedIn. 我们不对负责这些网站的实体的隐私政策负责,我们建议您查看适用于您访问的任何其他网站的隐私政策.


From time to time you may voluntarily supply your personal information to 新萄京娱乐. 如果您给我们留言,我们会记录您的电子邮件地址, 订阅电子邮件时事通讯, 或填写表格,如果需要这些信息. 当您提供您的个人信息, it allows us, for example, 协助您处理劳资关系和就业问题, 告诉你工业, 社会和政治运动, 并接受您的会员申请. 您可以通过以下方式向新萄京娱乐提供个人信息, for example, 回应一项调查, 填写会议出席表, 参加比赛, 填写会员表格, 与代表讨论你的问题, 或者报名参加竞选活动. We only collect personal information that is necessary for us to perform our functions and/or activities. 这取决于你提供给我们的具体情况, and we may collect, information such as, but not limited to:

  • your name;
  • 您的联络资料;
  • 你的社交媒体详细信息(例如.g. 博客、Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn);
  • your gender;
  • 你的婚姻状况;
  • 你的工作详情;
  • your educational qualifications; and
  • 您的查询或投诉详情.
  • Some personal information is considered sensitive information and includes:
  • 你的政治观点;
  • 你的政党身份(如有);
  • 您的新萄京娱乐会员资格(如有);
  • 你的种族或民族出身;
  • 你的性取向;
  • any disabilities, illnesses or injuries you may have; and/or
  • 任何其他健康信息.

The Privacy Act 允许我们收集仅与新萄京娱乐会员或与我们有定期联系的人有关的敏感信息,如果敏感信息与我们的活动有关. 我们只会在征得您同意的情况下收集敏感信息, used, 根据本政策披露和存储的信息. 如果您提供的信息与工作申请有关,您提供的个人信息只会被收集, held, used and disclosed for the purposes of considering your potential employment. 你在哪里提供推荐人的详细信息, 除非您确认您已告知推荐人您正在向我们提供他们的联系信息,并且他们已同意我们与他们联系并讨论您提供的与工作申请相关的个人信息,否则我们不会与他们联系. 我们会直接向您收集个人资料,除非:

  • you have consented to collection of your personal information from third parties – for example, from the ACTU, or your representatives; or
  • we are legally required to do so; or
  • 这样做是不合理或不切实际的.

我们在何处直接或以上述其他方式收集您的个人资料, 到时我们会通知你的, 或者越快越好, to ensure that you are aware of such collection and its purpose. 在合法和可行的情况下,您可以选择匿名或使用假名与我们互动. For example, you may wish to enquire about a particular campaign anonymously or under a pseudonym. 您选择匿名或使用假名进行互动可能会影响我们为您提供的服务水平. For example, 您可能无法参与博客,或者我们可能无法在匿名或假名的基础上协助您进行特定的行业查询或调查隐私投诉. We will inform you if this is the case and let you know the options available to you. 如果我们收到关于您或与您有关的未经请求的个人信息,并且我们确定如果我们请求该等信息,该等信息可以以相同的方式收集, then we will treat it in the same way as solicited personal information and in accordance with the APPs. 否则,如果我们确定这些信息不能以与征求个人信息相同的方式收集, 而这一信息并不包含在联邦记录中, we will, 如果这样做是合法和合理的, 销毁信息或去识别信息.

The purposes for which personal information is collected, held, used and disclosed

新萄京娱乐 collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information to:

  • 协助您处理劳资关系和就业问题;
  • 告知您有关工业、社会和政治活动的信息;
  • fundraise in support of causes that we support such as the Media Safety and Solidarity Fund;
  • 告知你在工作中的权利;
  • 通知你有关法例的修订;
  • refer you to a legal practitioner, accountant or other professional;
  • 改善我们的服务;
  • 管理我们与您的关系;
  • 进行调查和研究;
  • 提供教育服务及专业发展;
  • 举行mea选举;


您同意我们为直接营销目的而使用和披露您的个人信息,其中可能包括向您提供有关活动的信息, 您可能感兴趣的产品或服务. If you do not want us to use your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may elect not to receive direct marketing at the time of providing your personal information.


If you no longer wish to receive direct marketing or other communications, you may request at any time to cancel your consent to such communications as follows:

  • 如果订阅了电子邮件通讯,您可以随时从通讯邮件列表中“退订”;
  • We may, from time to time, send you text messages about issues of importance such as events or campaigns. You may “opt out” by texting STOP in reply to a text message from us; or
  • You may contact us at any time by mail or email directed to our Privacy Officer.


新萄京娱乐可能会披露您的个人信息, 与上述目的有关或促进上述目的, to:

  • the ACTU;
  • 其他澳大利亚工会;
  • 附属同业公会或劳工议会;
  • political parties;
  • government bodies or agencies (including the Fair Work Commission, 公平工作申诉专员, 澳大利亚税务局, 反歧视机构, 工作/职业健康和安全监管机构);
  • organisations to whom we outsource functions (including information technology providers, 打印服务提供商, mail houses);
  • otherwise as you have consented; and/or
  • 法律另有规定的.

如果这些组织中的任何一个位于澳大利亚以外, you expressly consent to us disclosing your personal information to those organisations. 我们将采取合理措施,确保我们向其披露您的个人信息的每个组织都致力于保护您的隐私,并遵守澳大利亚隐私原则, 或受制于至少与澳大利亚隐私原则保护信息的方式基本相似的法律或计划. 通过向我们提供您的个人信息, you consent to us transferring your personal information to such other organisations.


通过提供个人信息,您同意将您的信息存储在一个或多个数据服务器上并进行处理.g. cloud services) owned by a third party or third parties that may be located outside of Australia. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any third party providers comply with the APPs. 如果个人信息仅通过位于澳大利亚以外的服务器路由-这不被视为披露. Wherever reasonably practicable we hold physical personal information in access controlled premises. 当我们不再需要您的个人信息用于特定目的,我们不需要保留它以遵守任何法律, 我们将在合理的情况下采取措施销毁您的个人信息或确保信息不再被识别.


We will not adopt as our own identifier a government related identifier of an individual, 例如税务档案号码或医疗保险卡号码,并且只会在以下情况下使用或披露与政府有关的标识符:

  • is reasonably necessary for us to verify your identity for the purposes of our activities or functions;
  • is reasonably necessary for us to fulfil its obligations to an agency or a State or Territory authority;
  • is required or authorised by or under an Australian law; or
  • is reasonably necessary for one or more enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, an enforcement body.

How you may seek access and/or correction to personal information

您有权要求查阅您的个人信息,并要求更新或更正. In most cases you can gain access to your personal information that we hold. 请求访问, correction of, 或更新有关您的任何个人信息, 请致函私隐主任,地址如下:privacy@vivthomus.com

General enquiries can be made via telephone by calling the following number: 1300 656 513

You must provide proof of identity to seek access to your personal information. We may refuse to provide access if permitted to do so by law or under the APPs. 我们的目标是在收到有效请求后30天内提供访问您的个人信息的权限,并可能为此向您收取合理的费用. You should contact us when your personal information details change. It is important that we keep our membership details up to date. Please contact Member Central to update any personal information. 我们也可能会采取措施,参考公开来源,如电话号码簿或选民名册,更新您的个人信息. 联络会员中心的地址如下: members@vivthomus.com


PO Box 73


所有投诉必须以书面形式提出. 请向私隐主任提供有关投诉的所有详情及任何证明文件.



  • 我们会认真对待投诉;
  • 我们会及时处理投诉;
  • 投诉将保密处理;
  • complaints will be investigated by the Privacy Officer; and
  • 如投诉人已提供身份证明,本处会向投诉人提供调查结果.
  • 新萄京娱乐 will try to respond within 30 days of receipt of a valid complaint.


This Policy may be varied from time to time and an updated version will be posted on our websites. Please check our websites regularly to ensure that you have the most recent version of the Policy.

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